exhibition stand in iran

 Types of exhibition stands and larg format print


popup stand         rollup stand          counter stand         light box stand

             catalog stand       x banner stand        m d f stand              frame line

 flog stand              foam bord             canopy umbrella      cut stand

pleksi stand         head line              podium                     bank frame



    ؟ How can I order exhibition stand in iran


You must first select the type of stand or print or service you want after that yo should send for us you,r order in whatsAPP or Email We will contact you immediately and tell you about you,r factor and we will send you,r product to you,r adress


?how can i to pay for the product,s price


you can pat through cash and bitcoin and visacard and rial so. It is better that you pay in cash becouse when you pay with other way you must pay extra money finaly you get exhibition stand in iran



Countries where we can provide services after exhibition stand in iran


Arnik Print & Stand in Iran, can send you,r orther to  Armenia, Dubai, Turkey, France, Hungary, Germany

You must be wondering how we can send your printed products and stands from Iran to the whole world! In response to this question, we must say that due to the fact that Arnik Print & Stand is a party to the contract with airlines and Alvo Cargo Transport Company, we will send your orders simply with the lowest cost and the  fastest possible time and flight exhibition stand in iran


It should be mentioned that we have carefully read all the laws of the recipient countries and customs tariffs, and we can easily calculate the final price for you so that you can be sure in choosing the place of your order




You are ready to participate in an exhibition or conference

When you travel to a foreign country to participate in an exhibition so that you can introduce your products and company, but suddenly you realize that your exhibition and advertising stands are damaged and broken during the flight, you feel bad and frustrated, but you have nothing to worry about. Arnik Print & Stand can help you, now you may ask yourself how

The first repair center for exhibition and advertising stands in the world

You can easily get free video consulting in Persian and English through WhatsApp to solve the problem yourself in the quickest time, or you can send it to our addresses in Iran, Armenia, Istanbul, Hungary, France, Denmark, and wait for our experts to solve this problem for you. Wait! our services are not over! By sending a request to us, the repair experts will be sent to your place and will solve your problem



exhibition stand in iran

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